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作品包含两个主体部分: 一本包含数个短篇故事的小说集,以及一系列与小说文本有着互文关系的、以摄影为主体的作品。《在视线交错之处》(上篇) 由以下五个篇章构成:《一封写于1975年的信》;《T的相册》;《三个与“异域的中国” 有关的片段》;《一篇以1863年的杀人案为起点展开的写作(一个小说家对摄影的思考)》;《摄影师与陌生人》。 

「At the Place of Crossed Sights」(series), 2015-2016

digital prints, novel, archival documents, mixed media

At the Place of Crossed Sight is set in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Based on researches revolving around several photographers who had lived and worked or briefly stayed in the city, the artist created a series of works combining factual materials and fictional narrations. Through the study and depiction of the characters’ individual experiences, the project intends to explore the complex relations be- tween various elements such as photographers, photographs, cities, migration, memory within the progression of the history of photography. 
The project consists of two main parts: a novel that comprises of a collection of short stories, and a series of photographic works with intertextual relation to the novel. At the Place of Crossed Sights (Part one) consists of the following 5 chapters: 1. A Letter Written in 1975; 2. T’s Photo Album; 3.Three Fragments Related to an “Exotic China” (Excerpts from Y’s travel diary); 4. A Piece of Writing Based on a Murder Case in 1863 (A Novelist’s Thoughts on Photography); 5. Photographers and Strangers.