项目的最终阶段“沉船的消失”(2016-2017)包含一件名为《沉船的残余》的装置作品,一份我与原建筑的设计者安东先生的对谈记录,以及一段拍摄于2018年的16毫米黑白胶片影像《在沉船上:我还记得 / 在我忘记之前》。
The last part of the project, “Disappearance of the Shipwreck” (2016-2017), includes an installation piece called Remains of The Shipwreck, a video documentation of my conversations with the architect Antonio Ochoa, who designed the original office building, and a film shot with 16mm b&w titled “On the Shipwreck: I still remember / before I forget”.